A listener named Jesus calls in and asks, how do I know if I'm praying reverently? Father Dave tells him that reverence comes in a lot of different forms. He explains that he would define reverence as: "Is your heart in it?" Reverence is not that absence of joy, and we should focus on what is going on in our hearts and if our prayer is sincere. Original Air 11-29-17
Josh calls into the show and asks who can receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. He explains that his mother is in the hospital, but is not Catholic. Father Dave points out that any baptized Christian can receive Anointing of the Sick, but typically the Sacrament used for members of faithful who begin to be endangered due to sickness or old age. Original Air 7-20-17
A listener named Maggie wonders how many different rites of the Church exist. Father Dave explains that there are many due to different liturgical and ritual origins. Original Air 11-29-17
A listener named Amy asks Father Dave to explain the relationship between forgiveness and justice. Can we forgive someone and still desire justice? Father Dave explains that we are called to both, but the two are not mutually exclusive. Original Air 12-28-17
A listener named Donya calls in and explains that her parish asked her to wash the altar cloths. She asks Father Dave if there is a proper way to wash them, and if there are certain prayers that should be said. (Original Air 12-27-17)
Father Dave interviews Hollywood filmmaker and producer Leo Severino about his new book, "Going Deeper: A Reasoned Explanation of God and Truth." Leo explains the philosophical arguments for the proof of God and touches on big questions like "Why does God allow evil to happen?" (Original Air 12-18-17)